Sunday, March 20, 2011


Hello my name is Elise,
This is my blog on polar bears. I will be posting Interesting facts about things you may not know and also pictures of them as well.
I hope you enjoy your self’s!!!

Polar Bear Family


Polar bears live in the Arctic. They do not stay in one place. They travel across the snow and pack ice looking for food. Sometimes they swim far out to sea.

Domain Of The Polar Bear


Polar bears are the largest bears in the world.
Adults weigh 295 kg to 600 kg (650 to 1300 pounds).
Males are larger than females.
A polar bear's coat can be from white to yellowish in color.

Two Full Grown Polar Bears


Seals are their favorite food, especially the ringed seal. Polar bears spend most of their time on the pack ice or in the water, where they can hunt for the seal. The white fur helps the bear sneak up on seals that are laying on the ice. The polar bear waits by the seal's breathing holes in the ice and quickly snatches the seal when it pokes its head out of the hole. The polar bear tries to fatten up before the sea ice melts. They are no longer able to catch seals so they move ashore. In the summer polar bears eats plants and berries. They also eat fish, lemmings, arctic foxes, birds and bird eggs. In late summer and early autumn the bears go along the coastline looking for dead whales and dead walruses.
The polar bear tries to fatten up before the sea ice melts. They are no longer able to catch seals so they move ashore. In the summer polar bears eats plants and berries. They also eat fish, lemmings, arctic foxes, birds and bird eggs. In late summer and early autumn the bears go along the coastline looking for dead whales and dead walruses.